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Parenting Strategies to Safeguard Children Against Sexual Harassment

Monday, 16 September 2024 - 01:31
Parenting Strategies to Safeguard Children Against Sexual Harassment A father take his son for a walk. (Photo: Freepik/carriedingnan)

TIMES HONGKONG, JAKARTAParenting comes with the profound responsibility of ensuring a child's safety, particularly when it comes to sensitive topics like sexual harassment. In today’s world, where children are exposed to a wide range of influences, it’s crucial for parents to be proactive in their approach to sexual education and boundary-setting.

Psychologists Novi Poespita Candra, Ph.D., from Universitas Gadjah Mada, and Rahmatika Septina Chairunnisa, M.Psi., from Universitas Indonesia, emphasize the role of parents in shaping a child's understanding of respect, boundaries, and self-worth to prevent both victimization and perpetration of sexual harassment. 

Sexual harassment is a complex issue that requires early intervention and education. Children often imitate the behaviors of adults, so the lessons they learn from their parents play a vital role in shaping their attitudes and actions. As Novi Poespita Candra points out, parents must model respectful behavior and teach children about personal boundaries and body autonomy. 

In-Depth Parenting Tips to Address Sexual Harassment

1. Model Respectful Behavior in Everyday Interactions

"Children are keen observers and learn a great deal from how adults interact with each other. Parents should demonstrate respect, kindness, and appropriate boundaries in all relationships,"  Novi said on Friday (6/9/2024).

She also added that those include showing respect for their partner, friends, and people of all genders. By observing these interactions, children learn how to navigate their own social situations with respect and empathy.

2. Open Communication and Creating a Safe Space

It is vital for parents to foster an environment where children feel safe and comfortable discussing their thoughts and experiences. Encourage children to talk openly about their feelings and concerns without fear of judgment. When children know they can trust their parents, they are more likely to seek guidance and share if they ever feel uncomfortable or threatened.

3. Educate About Body Autonomy and Consent

Teach children that their body belongs to them and that they have the right to say "no" to unwanted touch, even if it comes from a familiar person. Educating children about consent helps them understand that they have control over their own bodies and that others must respect their boundaries. This knowledge empowers them to recognize inappropriate behavior and take action to protect themselves.

4. Use Age-Appropriate Language to Discuss Sexuality

Addressing sexuality should not be a taboo subject. Using age-appropriate language, parents should educate their children about their bodies, including proper names for body parts, and explain the concept of private areas. This approach not only demystifies the topic but also equips children with the language they need to articulate their experiences clearly if something inappropriate occurs.

5. Establish Clear Family Rules and Boundaries

Set clear rules regarding personal boundaries and respect within the family. For example, establish guidelines about physical affection, such as asking for permission before hugging or kissing someone. These rules help children understand that everyone has personal boundaries that need to be respected, reinforcing the importance of consent in all interactions.

6. Normalize Conversations About Personal Safety

Regularly discuss personal safety with your children, including what to do if someone makes them feel uncomfortable. Teach them to trust their instincts and give them strategies for seeking help if they find themselves in an unsafe situation. These conversations should be ongoing and adjusted to the child's age and maturity level.

7. Incorporate Lessons on Empathy and Respect

Teaching empathy is key to preventing harmful behaviors. Parents should guide children in understanding the feelings and perspectives of others. Discuss scenarios where someone might feel uncomfortable and explore how respectful behavior contributes to a positive and safe environment for everyone.

8. Avoid Pressuring Children into Physical Affection

Respect your child’s comfort level with physical affection. If a child is hesitant to hug or kiss a relative, do not force them. This teaches them that their feelings are valid and that they have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. It also helps them recognize that it's okay to set boundaries with others.

9. Seek Professional Guidance When Necessary

Don’t hesitate to consult with psychologists or healthcare professionals if you or your child needs further guidance. Professionals can provide tailored advice and strategies to help parents navigate complex discussions about sexuality, boundaries, and safety.

10. Empower Children to Recognize and Report Inappropriate Behavior

Teach children to identify inappropriate behavior and encourage them to speak up if they ever feel uncomfortable. Let them know that they will be supported and believed if they report such behavior. This support system helps children feel secure and confident in seeking help when needed.

The Role of Parenting in Building Resilience

Effective parenting not only helps prevent children from becoming victims of sexual harassment but also from perpetrating such behavior. By instilling values of respect, empathy, and consent, parents lay the foundation for their children to develop healthy, respectful relationships throughout their lives.

"Building a child's self-worth and confidence is crucial. When children understand their value, they are less likely to succumb to peer pressure or engage in harmful behaviors," Novi ended. 

By adopting these parenting strategies, parents can play a pivotal role in safeguarding their children and promoting a culture of respect and safety. The effort to prevent sexual harassment begins at home, with open communication, education, and the modeling of positive behaviors. (*)

Writer : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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