
TMMD South Tapanuli Clean The River, Health Protocol Always Applied

Tuesday, 13 July 2021 - 16:55
TMMD South Tapanuli Clean The River, Health Protocol Always Applied Health protocol always applied when TMMD Task Force clean the river (Photo: TMMD South Tapanuli for TIMES Singapore)

TIMES HONGKONG, TAPANULI SELATAN – Kodim 0212/TS led by Letkol Inf Rooy Chandra Sihombing, SIP conducted The 111th TMMD (TNI Manunggal Membangun Desa) which consist of physical and non physical works.

Before officially closed, The TMMD Task Force still conducted social communication to the villagers' houses. They hear the complaint from the locals, even though all the program, physical and non physical, is finished.

Approaching the closing ceremony, The TMMD Task Force help the people to clean the clogged river at Siuhom Village, West Angkola, South Tapanuli.

Sertu Karyono on Tuesday (13/7/2021) said, "The river cleaning activities is held within health protocol to keep the health in the middle of this pandemic."

All the member of TMMD Task Force always wear mask, keep the distance and wash their hands before and after the work. (*)

Writer :
Editor : Ronny Wicaksono

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